Cholesterol, Hormonal Balance, Statins and Fibromyalgia

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Studies have shown that cholesterol per se, is not such a bad thing. Research has shown that lowering cholesterol levels without controlling hormonal balance, can bring about symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Professor Dr. Sergi Dzoga, a cardiologist, reports in his book on cholesterol, that in clinical research and tests, the following was discovered: Cholesterol levels rise when hormonal imbalance exists, and cholesterol levels lower when hormonal balance is

restored. Dr.Dzoga, like Dr. Yaffa, is also a strong advocate of Bio identical hormones.

The theory behind this phenomenon is that since all hormones are made of cholesterol, an imbalance is compensated for by producing more cholesterol in an attempt to make up for the deficiencies. This brings us to the conclusion that Statins are not a suitable solution because they enforce a lowering of the cholesterol level.


In Summary …

Medications for lowering cholesterol can cause side effects similar to the chronic fatigue symptoms of fibromyalgia.

High levels of cholesterol are produced by the body to offset hormonal imbalance during times of stress and pregnancy.

Restoring hormonal balance is a major influence for improving one’s health and lowering cholesterol levels.

If you have high cholesterol, it would be wise to take a saliva hormone test to check your hormonal balance.

If you are being treated with statins and suffer from Fibromyalgia Syndrome, we suggest you take a saliva hormone test to check your hormonal balance.

Our Best Advice – Call to make an appointment with Yaffa Institute

תמונה של Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffe, has been a general practitioner for more than 30 years. Our clinic is located at 33 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan - 12th floor, as well as in Beit Shemesh. We also provide medical advice by phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic. Our medical approach is very holistic. In the process of hormonal balance, we attach great importance to the emotional state of the patients, as well as to their lifestyle..