Thyroid Imbalance
Most symptoms, diseases and early aging, starts from hormone imbalances. Dr Yaffa’s holistic approach includes special hormone testing which shows the imbalances when the blood tests say everything is normal. Restoring the hormone balance with lifestyle changes, natural supplements and if needed, Bioidentical Hormones that can be given in capsules, creams and pellets.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the lower front part of the neck. Its function is to produce the thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood, which carries them to
all body tissues. These hormones play a major role in the normal functioning of the body’s energy economy and metabolism. As such, they help maintain an optimal body temperature, protect the heart, the brain, the muscles and affect not only physical functions, but also the mental and cognitive state.
A significant part of the population suffers from various problems related to the thyroid gland, when in general, they tend to appear more in women than in men.
There are cases in which it is an acute and transient problem and there are those in which the problem is chronic, and will accompany the sufferer for the rest of their lives.
Types of diseases and disorders of thyroid imbalance
Diseases of the thyroid gland cause changes in its activity pattern, which are reflected in the production of too much or too little of its hormones, T4 and T3. These diseases can be: autoimmune diseases -are the main reason for disrupting the activity of the gland, and among them are Hashimoto disease, which causes under-activity of the gland (hypothyroidism), and Graves disease, which causes its over-activity (hyperthyroidism).
Apart from these two, researchers believe that other autoimmune and metabolic diseases such as type 1 diabetes, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are also related to thyroid disorders.
Cancer of the thyroid gland –
An outbreak of glandular cells that thrive uncontrollably and cause a hormonal disorder.
Thyroid nodules –
The growth of clusters of cells that are not cancerous, and usually do not cause excess secretion of thyroid hormones.
Inflammation of the thyroid gland –
It is called in the medical language thyroiditis; and can be a transient acute condition, or become a chronic inflammation.
Hormonal disruption due to a natural physiological state –
Here, it is not a disease, but a temporary violation of the hormonal balance due to a natural condition.
Pregnancy is the classic example of this, because during it there are radical changes in almost every system of the woman's body and, among other things, a tendency for the thyroid gland to enlarge. Even after childbirth, when the body’;s systems slowly return to their normal state, hormonal changes occur (most of them in the opposite direction) and this is also a period of time during which there is a higher risk of disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Factors directly related to the thyroid gland –
Improper functioning of the immune system or the digestive system can damage the thyroid gland, as can hormonal disruptions manifested in abnormal levels of adrenaline, cortisol, estrogen and
progesterone or in dysfunction of the pituitary gland.
In addition, nutritional deficiencies such as a lack of iodine, minerals and various vitamins may also damage the gland.
Dr. Yaffa, a general physician who treats imbalances and diseases of the thyroid gland, both with the conventional medical approach and with the natural approach, performs an in-depth and thorough diagnosis of the patient’s condition and checks all the aspects detailed above using blood, saliva and stool samples and with the help of additional tests as needed.
The natural treatment is based on providing a comprehensive and holistic response to all the body’s systems and is not satisfied with treating only the gland itself.
In many cases, Dr. Yaffa combines conventional treatment methods with natural methods. After the diagnosis, Dr. Yaffa fits the patient with a personal treatment plan that includes:
Medical treatment with biologically identical hormones (as opposed to the conventional treatment with foreign hormones), while striving for a general hormonal balance and not only of the thyroid hormones.
Strengthening the digestive system and restoring the balance of intestinal bacteria through a nutritional plan, nutritional supplements and probiotics.
Encouraging healthy habits such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, adopting regular physical activity, making sure to sleep and relieving mental stress.
If you suffer from any disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, whether they are a new phenomenon or an old one, I invite you to contact me and find the golden path of treatment.