The "Pellet" helps women and men suffering from menopause symptoms such as lack of energy, fatigue, hot flashes, lack of sexual desire, overweight problems and more..
He who starts does not stop
Over 90% of the patients who started the treatment reported improvement and relief, the vast majority of them are not ready to give up the treatment after starting it.
Thousands of clinical studies have been carried out on the Pellet treatment method. In studies it was found that Pellet treatment is very effective for menopause symptoms.
Takes Only several minutes
The treatment itself takes about ten minutes. 90% of patients report that they felt an improvement within 1-2 weeks of administering the treatment.
Cessation of menstruation, following the decrease in the estrogen hormone, is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, fatigue, and decreased libido. About 90% of patients show improvement upon receiving the treatment.
Hormonal balance
The "Pellet" hormone enables hormonal balance in the body and thus prevents symptoms such as: hot flashes, fatigue, vaginal dryness, accelerated heartbeats, anxiety and depression, weakness and fatigue. Hormonal balance reduces the feeling of fatigue, exhaustion and weakness. Improves energy levels and helps with weight loss.
How is the treatment carried out?
In recent years, more and more men and women alike do not accept a decline in their health status as fate. As a solution to this, they started taking hormonal therapy, mainly testosterone therapy known as the "fountain of youth" which dramatically improves energy, muscle mass, weight loss, libido, hot flashes and many other symptoms that worsen with age. However, besides the many advantages, providing the treatment as it has been possible in Israel until now, with injections and ointments are cumbersome and not always effective. After decades of successful treatments with subcutaneous "pellets" of testosterone that are enjoyed by the 40 plus and even younger, people in the USA and Europe. This treatment has finally arrived in Israel and was even recently approved by the Ministry of Health.
What are the advantages of the "Pellet"?
The advantages of the subcutaneous "Pellet" over the injections and ointments are delayed absorption and release, adapted to the metabolism of the body and the customized physiological needs of the body. In addition, since this treatment is not absorbed through the digestive system or broken down in the liver, there are no side effects related to these systems.
Another advantage of the "Pellet" hormone is its ability to be absorbed by the body. Synthetic estrogen taken orally is not absorbed as efficiently and well as the pellet implant. That's why the synthetic works for only a few hours compared to the implant that secretes hormones regularly for weeks.
What symptoms can the "Pellet" help with?
The "Pellet" pills have been proven to be effective in the following problems in women and men such as:
- hot flashes and excessive sweating
- fatigue/exhaustion
- weakness
- muscle/joint pain
- dryness recurrent vaginitis
- bladder problems such as pain/pressure/urinary
- frequency, functional problems/
- libido osteopenia/osteoporosis
- difficulty losing weight/high fat percentages
- poor mental state
- depression/anxiety
- decreased memory/concentration
- weak immune system
- various types of anemia
- neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and heart problems
The treatment is suitable for patients who have a testosterone deficiency according to tests or for patients who, according to the discretion of the attending physician at our clinic, have symptoms or health problems that treatment can prevent the deterioration of the existing condition and even improve it. Since the use of "Pellet" has advantages over creams and injections, even patients who have previously been treated with this hormone in other ways can benefit from maximum effectiveness in administering the "Pellet" subcutaneously.
How is the process carried out?
The pellet contains the hormones required by your body and the size of the "pellet" is the size of a grain of rice. The process of inserting the "Pellet" is simple and lasts a few minutes, and at the end of it the patient is discharged home. Symptom relief is expected to occur between a few days and two weeks after the administration of the treatment. The release of the hormone in the body and its effectiveness lasts up to 4 months in women and up to 6 months in men for each treatment cycle.
Estrogen and testosterone implant treatment – how effective is it?
Very effective! According to studies carried out in the USA, 90% of female patients with moderate, severe or very severe symptoms show consistent improvement upon receiving testosterone implant treatment
We will be happy to assist you with any questions.