

Dr. Yaffa has been a General Practitioner, treating hormonal imbalance for over 30 years.

Currently, Dr. Yaffa has clinics in Ramat Gan and Beit Shemesh. We are also keen on providing counsel by telephone or by zoom.

The clinic has adopted a holistic approach to achieving hormonal balance that takes into account the patient’s lifestyle. Our clinics have helped thousands of men and women to return to hormonal balance and to experience substantial improvement of their quality of living.

Dr. Yaffa, the Founder and Director of Yaffa Institute, and Chairman of the World Seminar on Bio-identical Hormones, established the clinic after a personal experience. The Doctor’s son was diagnosed with cancer and treated unsuccessfully by conventional methods and bringing the Doctor to turn to holistic therapy treatments

which produced very positive results despite the highly esteemed and highly ranked conventional Doctors’ that were treating his son. Dr. Yaffa launched the clinic with this expanded approach to medicine.

“ From the moment I witnessed the benefits of the combined treatments of nutritional supplements and bio-identical hormone therapy, I have no greater joy than hearing how our holistic approach has healed and aided so many of our patients. To know that they are functioning well, sleeping well, achieving their healthy weight, and feeling great. I am proud to have chosen to take a path against the current stream and decided to treat holistic health, and not a pill for a disease.”

Dr. Yaffa has since treated over 22,000 patients

Yaffe Institute - a clinic for hormonal balance

Our clinics are located at 33 Jabotinsky St. Ramat Gan – 12th floor and also in Beit Shemesh at 12 Tadhar St.

We provide medical advice over the phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic.