Menopause and the Thyroid Gland

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The changes in life that arrive with age, influence hormonal constitution and the thyroid glands. By females, the menstrual cycle may experience variances connected to a menopause stage that can extend from 6 months to 10 years. During this period women experience sleepless nights, sweating, waves of fever, etc.

The effect of hormonal balance and the thyroid gland on women

Most women are not aware of the important fact that hormonal balance is the key to good health. Furthermore, hormonal imbalance is the cause of a large part of the health problems that afflict women and men throughout their lives.

In a normal state, the hormones convey important information to the different body systems, such as: when to act, when to stop acting, and at what strengths.

Increased activity, similar to inactivity, causes mental and physiological problems. The ideal situation for a woman is the one in which the menstrual cycle appears regularly, without symptoms before and during the bleeding. You shouldn’t suffer from migraines, breast pain and certainly no breast or ovarian cyst and undeserved being overweight or an excessive amount of head hair loss. All of these should not appear, unless there is a problem with male and female hormonal balance or thyroid function.

During the fertile years, a woman should conceive without a problem, and have a normal pregnancy without miscarriages and give birth without complications.  After giving birth, she should feel good physically and mentally and breastfeed her baby as much as she wants. After that, the body should return to its cyclical form as at the beginning.

A woman should enter menopause pleasantly: No hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, excess weight, disruptions in thyroid function, mental stress or depression. Of course, her bones should also remain strong and unbreakable.

If you don’t feel that way, you most likely suffer from a hormonal imbalance and disturbed thyroid function.

A natural hormonal balance and proper functioning of the thyroid gland is very important, and may prevent problems such as:

  • Menopause symptoms related to hormonal balance and the thyroid gland
  • Menstrual problems: irregular periods, additional abnormal bleeding in the middle of the
    menstrual cycle
  • Decreased libido
  • Cysts and breast pain, and if there is a family history then: cancer.
  • Headaches while bleeding
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Infertility
  • Postpartum depression
  • Thyroid problems
  • Myoma (muscle, fibrous tumor)
  • Migraines, headaches
  • Early ovulation
  • Cysts, breast cancer, uterine and ovarian cancer
  • Fertility problems
  • Obesity
  • Menopause problems

Women living in countries that are not developed and do not encounter chemicals and air pollution do not know the concept of menopause problems The most prominent disadvantage of the modern lifestyle, after the industrial revolution, is: toxins.

When you add to this the stress resulting from the rhythm of our lives – the immediate result is: hormonal imbalance.

תמונה של Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffe, has been a general practitioner for more than 30 years. Our clinic is located at 33 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan - 12th floor, as well as in Beit Shemesh. We also provide medical advice by phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic. Our medical approach is very holistic. In the process of hormonal balance, we attach great importance to the emotional state of the patients, as well as to their lifestyle..