The Healing Process

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Our Process

In order to help you get well and feel great again we will have to work together in cooperation, as a team.

We'll have to do some detective work and exchange impressions. This is how we do it:

Private consultation. 

The condition varies from patient to patient and how long it takes for each to respond to treatment. After all,
The imbalance is created in the body and it also takes time until the symptoms come out and until we even seek help for treatment, the frequency of the number of sessions varies for each and every one.

The average frequency of the meetings is higher in the first six months, then it is usually one meeting every four months and then one every six months – as long as you need help.

It takes time to develop habits, patterns and chronic health conditions and three to six months is considered a relatively short period of time to resolve these issues. Therefore, it is important that we meet regularly to keep you on track towards your long-term goals.

Group work individually and online allows us to get additional help from other experts, provide support to each other and share our progress and concerns. It is proven that teamwork leads to great successes. There are a wide variety of interesting health issues that affect your thyroid and you may notice improvement in many areas of your health that you didn't even know were related to the thyroid.

A program following each visit.

I'll give you simple steps to follow, things to think about, and resources to explore before our next meeting. You will implement this and report back to me on the progress, the changes and if a change or adjustment is necessary.

Email support between consultations.

Dr. Yaffe is even more available on WhatsApp and you can also contact him directly or with our office and the naturopathic doctor. It is important for us to have direct access to the doctor.

Counseling sessions and Zoom.

If there is a problem physically coming to the office. You can make an appointment via Zoom or WhatsApp, and they will allow us to make changes and adjustments so that you stay on track.

תמונה של Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffe, has been a general practitioner for more than 30 years. Our clinic is located at 33 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan - 12th floor, as well as in Beit Shemesh. We also provide medical advice by phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic. Our medical approach is very holistic. In the process of hormonal balance, we attach great importance to the emotional state of the patients, as well as to their lifestyle..