Thyroid Treament

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1. Adrenal glands. They give the cells energy to follow the instructions of the thyroid gland. You can get the right thyroid treatment, but if you don't have adrenal energy, the cells can't carry out the adrenals' instructions.

2. Sex hormones. We live wit a lot of interference from external chemical hormones (such as air pollution, pesticides in food) and with hormonal disruptors (such as industrial perfumes, plastics, cleaning agents), so it is difficult to achieve balance.
It is important to note that women get out of balance more easily than men – too much estrogen causes weight gain, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, uterine and breast problems and thyroid problems.

3. Immune system. Often, thyroid disease is also accompanied by an autoimmune component. If the immune system does not improve, the body continues to damage the thyroid gland. Often, I see antibodies that return to a normal level after immune system therapy.

4. Digestive system. The digestive system can become an enemy of the thyroid gland if you suffer from gas, fatigue or bloating after a meal, constipation or diarrhea and even if you have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome. "Leaky gut" – this is a condition where the digestive system can negatively affect the thyroid gland when it becomes a source of sending antibodies to destroy the thyroid gland. A situation arises where the adrenal gland transfers its energy to cleaning harmful bacteria, candida, parasites, inflammation, food sensitivities – and then there are not enough enzymes left for proper digestion.

What is the right way to treat the thyroid gland

The best way to treat the thyroid gland is to treat it together with the adrenal gland, with the female hormones, with the male hormones, with the immune system and with the digestive system. Why is this the best way to treat thyroid? Because this is how the body works – no one "only" suffers from a thyroid problem. To treat the thyroid alone, you may exacerbate the imbalance in other systems that led to the thyroid problem in the first place.

Of course, you can get your thyroid blood tests back to normal by taking thyroid pills, but then you won't get back to normal weight and energy level just because you have a normal blood test result.

In my opinion, there are four factors that must be taken into account and considered to be addressed in order to maintain optimal health.

Focusing treatment on these four systems When treating the thyroid gland, there may be a situation in which there will be no need for thyroid medication, and if there is a need for thyroid medication – you must find the right medication for you.

Many patients feel well on T4 alone because they have a good level of enzymes that convert T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3.

T3 Some patients do not convert T4 to a sufficient amount of T3 for weight loss, more energy and more. These patients should take T3.

Natural Medicine (NDT)

Some patients do well with a medicine that has all the thyroid hormones in a pill that is made from a cow that has a standard level of T3 and T4 along with complementary factors found in human thyroid.

It's hard to believe how many people feel abysmal fatigue because their thyroid is being treated alone. Many times, only after all the systems are treated and the appropriate thyroid medication is given, the patient returns to optimal health, with God's help

Together we will restore the passion for life, positive energies and a healthy body. Chemicals and stress throw your hormones out of balance. More than 85% of our patients managed to regain their lives.

While the stool tests of the HMOs show partial results or do not test all the required tests, the advanced DTI digestive tests clarify what is really happening inside the digestive system. They manage to discover the causes of symptoms such as a bloated stomach, abdominal pain, acid reflux, gas, diarrhea/constipation and fatigue after eating. One of the two most specialized and accurate fecal testing devices in the world is in the DTI lab. This advanced technology is at the service of customers, with the aim of accurately identifying bad bacteria, candida, parasites and various reactions to food in the feces. Dr. Yaffe also has a set of tests for digestive enzymes that break down the food and tests that identify signs of intestinal inflammation found in feces. Among the many types of analytical technology in the DTI lab, uses laser vaporization, reconstruction and genetic analysis to tell Dr. Yaffe the cause of the digestive problem when The cashier said it was fine or didn't even check.

Saliva Hormone Testing Diagnos Techs Incorporated (DTI) has become the largest and oldest laboratory in the US for saliva hormone testing. It has 25,000 physicians and tests more than a million people each year. Medical research on hormones is done on saliva and not on blood since saliva contains only active hormones. Tests Blood, on the other hand, reports active hormones and inactive hormones together so that a normal result in the level of hormones may be misleading. The salivary glands act as a filter that allows the passage of only active hormones into the saliva and therefore, a saliva test is the cleanest and most significant test in examining the levels of hormones that work in the body.

Thyroflex Test If you think your thyroid is sluggish but your blood tests are normal, you may well be right. You can test your thyroid reflex with the ThyroFlex device. The thyro-flex system is a recent non-invasive patent that tests, diagnoses and helps maintain various conditions of the thyroid gland. This system uses reflexes and symptoms to accurately determine the function of the gland and allows the doctor to accurately assess the patient's health. About 80% of the population suffers from thyroid dysfunction. thyro-flex is a convenient, non-invasive and painless test that gives an immediate result. "All the blood tests that check the condition of the thyroid gland are not accurate in determining thyroid function. The only way to diagnose thyroid diseases is through reflexes and symptoms." So says Dr. Sir RS Bayliss, a well-known endocrinologist at the prestigious Leicester Hospital in London, England, the endocrinologist of the Royal Family.

המרפאות שלנו נמצאות ברמת גן ובבית שמש.

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תמונה של Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffe, has been a general practitioner for more than 30 years. Our clinic is located at 33 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan - 12th floor, as well as in Beit Shemesh. We also provide medical advice by phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic. Our medical approach is very holistic. In the process of hormonal balance, we attach great importance to the emotional state of the patients, as well as to their lifestyle..