What to Expect

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What to Expect with Our clinic

I always treat the causes, not the symptoms.

We have some things to explore and measure. We must understand what the underlying problems are that cause your symptoms or make them worse – and sometimes this is not obvious at all. Since we can't change what we can't measure, we measure everything and that helps us know what to expect. We rely on some regular blood tests but also go further, using advanced technology in laboratories outside of Israel. We test and test innovative health indicators that you probably aren't aware of.

Here are some of the things you can expect when you work with Yaffa Institute, A Functional & Integrative Holistic Clinic

We will check, not guess.

We check for food sensitivities, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, toxins, hormonal imbalances and digestive disorders.

We will also check your cholesterol and other additional indicators to detect the disturbances in the thyroid gland.

Let's start making changes.

Our program allows you to work at your own pace. It is entirely possible. First, make small changes, one at a time. Then when you're ready, we'll make bigger changes.

Bioidentical nutrients, supplements and hormones will make your goal more attainable.

We will focus on natural, non-invasive treatments.

I will give you prescription medications as needed, such as natural thyroid hormones, but mostly I will use natural methods that work in concert with each other to bring your body and mind back into balance.

We will not count calories. I will give you specific nutritional recommendations, but I will not make you count calories. The rate and quality of the calories you eat are much more important than exact amounts. I'll teach you how to make good choices and stick to reasonable portions, but your life won't be ruled by the calculator (hooray!)

We'll carefully monitor your progress on everything from using symptom questionnaires to having repeat blood tests. We'll reveal what your body needs (because we're all unique). Careful monitoring will help us do just that.

You will be a partner in the process. I will share my knowledge with you and help you find your own solutions. Ultimately, you are the "CEO" of your long-term health.

When appropriate, I will give you interesting reading material (articles, books, links to websites, etc.) and ask you to keep a health journal (food, exercise, sleep, etc.) You will have to be an active partner in changing your health to ensure that the results last for the long term.

You will have a plan to return to as needed.  Most of my patients feel much better as time goes on so they stick with their new habits forever, but there are others who forget how bad they used to feel and go back to old habits. that throws their body and mind out of balance. You can always go back and review your treatment plan in order to know exactly what you need to get back into balance and feel great again.

We measure everything and that helps us know what to expect. We rely on some regular blood tests but also go further, using advanced technology in laboratories outside of Israel. We test innovative health indicators that you probably aren't aware of.

תמונה של Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffa Israel

Dr. Yaffe, has been a general practitioner for more than 30 years. Our clinic is located at 33 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan - 12th floor, as well as in Beit Shemesh. We also provide medical advice by phone to patients who are unable to come to the clinic. Our medical approach is very holistic. In the process of hormonal balance, we attach great importance to the emotional state of the patients, as well as to their lifestyle..