Yaffa Institute
​​ A Functional & Integrative Health Clinic

For Holistic Thyroid Treatment & Hormonal Balance
Over 30 Years Experience
Under the Direction of Dr. Yisroel Yaffa

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Osteoporosis has many factors but the most common factor which does not get addressed is the decrease in hormones of the woman that directly affects the bones. There is less progesterone because there is sporadic or no ovulation, estrogen and testosterone becomes decreased and more. Digestive symptoms are medical code words for poor absorption of nutrients which are needed to build the bones. All of these changes negatively affect the thyroid. Treatment of osteoporosis can be effective when you restore natural hormone levels. Testosterone pellet therapy may be very helpful


Pain, exhaustion, poor sleep, mood and emotional problems are found in almost everybody with fibromyalgia. Because of adrenal exhaustion. That is not a conventional finding but it is a Natural Medicine finding. That is exactly Dr Yaffa’s experience with his decades of patients and interpretation of the Saliva Adrenal Stress Index test. Weak adrenals affect every cell of the body but most significantly negatively affects the thyroid. Treating fibromyalgia must help the adrenals and also must help the thyroid

Holistic Hormonal Balance

Most symptoms, diseases and early aging, starts from hormone imbalances. Dr Yaffa’s holistic approach includes special hormone testing which shows the imbalances when the blood tests say everything is normal. Restoring the hormone balance with lifestyle changes, natural supplements and if needed, Bioidentical Hormones that can be given in capsules, creams and pellets

Thyroid Problems

In the majority of cases, diagnosis and diseases such as Thyroid Under-activity, Thyroid Overactivity, Hashimoto, Graves, Thyroid Nodules complications, Goiter, High levels of Antibodies, are issues that are not directly related to the Thyroid Glands. Yet, the treatment does not take into account the balance of female hormones present, nor the adrenal balance present. However, bio-identical hormone treatment can prevent the need for prescribed medications, prevent stomach irritation too, and prevent falling into a cycle of increases in the dosage prescription


When someone is practicing a proper diet and exercise procedures and still. does not succeed in achieving weight reduction, the reason is generally related to the thyroid glands, adrenal balance, and the female hormones constitution Bio-identical hormone therapy treatment can play a crucial role in correcting this situation

Extreme Fatigue

The Thyroid Gland is like the foot on a gas pedal and the Adrenal Glands are like the reserve tank for accelerated gas supply. These two are partners in providing one's bodily energy. Without a sufficient re-supply, the machine will experience shock and convulsions. Bioidentical hormones will repair and restore the hormonal balance between the thyroid and adrenal glands

Sleeping Disorders

These disruptive sleeping symptoms can be caused by high cortisol or estrogen levels, low progesterone levels, or gasses in the digestive system. Sleeping pills may bring about a deep sleep, however they won't cure the problem. Bioidentical hormones can restore a healthy sleep while simultaneously contributing significantly to one's general health and vitality

Premenstrual syndrome and menopause

When you suffer from premenstrual syndrome or menopause symptoms, you know that the reason is the imbalance of female hormones. Unbalanced female hormones interfere with the thyroid gland or the brain to function normally. Bioidentical hormones can restore your quality of life and your health.

Anxiety, Panic, Depression, and Motivation

It is well known and accepted that physical and emotional health have a mutual influence upon each other. These mood shifts are often connected to a hormonal imbalance in the thyroid and adrenal glands, or in the male or female hormones. Bioidentical hormone therapy treatment can restore the balance your body requires


If you are taking prescriptions for any of the following , and DO NOT feel your best – then we should meet

 Thyroglobulin antibodies, Thyroperoxidase antibodies, NDT, TSH, Hashimoto, Graves, Hyperthyroid

Start TODAY Your Journey to Optimal Health with Bio-Identical Hormones

Experience and Professionalism

Dr. Israel Yaffa has been a general practitioner for the past 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating thyroid problems. Dr. Yaffa treats the thyroid gland through a special combination of natural and conventional medicine

Quality of Treatment

Over the years, Dr. Yaffa searched for the best supplements and hormone products. Several studies have already proven that the use of biologically identical hormones is the closest to what the body is supposed to produce and is safer to use than most of the synthetic hormones currently on the market

Service and Personal Attention

The clinic staff will be happy to help and answer any question and request related to the treatment. It is important for us to maintain close follow-up with our patients and maintain an open and safe line of communication. Since it is a private clinic, every patient with us receives personal and professional treatment


Reception hours are extremely flexible and the meetings can be held both face-to-face and online, for your convenience. We can be reached through a variety of means of communication. If there is no telephone answer, we will get back to you as soon as possible


Start TODAY Your Journey to Optimal Health with Bio-Identical Hormones

Dr. Israel Yaffa

"Finding the Root of the Thyroid Imbalance Problem".

Dr. Israel Yaffa has been a general practitioner for the past 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating thyroid problems. Dr. Yaffa treats the thyroid gland through a special combination of natural and conventional medicine.

Dr. Yaffa completed his medical studies at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He then worked as a general practitioner in southern New Jersey for 12 years. During that time, his conventional clinic reached – 6,000 patients. In addition, Dr. Yaffa was a member of the medical teams of hospitals in New Jersey: Underwood Memorial Hospital/Jefferson Medical College-Woodbury NJ and Kennedy Memorial Hospital, Stratford.


Start TODAY Your Journey to Optimal Health with Bio-Identical Hormones

The Thyroid Gland, Hormonal Balance and Holistic Treatment

The thyroid gland has a butterfly shape and is found in the frontal part of one's neck. This gland produces and secretes many hormones into the bloodstream and influences many bodily systems, including metabolism.

Hypothyroidism describes a situation where the thyroid gland is malfunctioning

Here are answers to some prominent questions asked: What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is about endocrinologist irregularities that find their source in the stimulating hormones of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, or the hypothalamus.

Studies show that hypothyroidism contributes to a wide range of issues: over-sensitivity to cold and stress, menstrual irregularities, constipation, digestive disorders, metabolism problems, and more. By treating the thyroid, we can hormonal balance, using both medication and holistic treatment.

What Else Causes Hypothyroidism?

Congenital Under activity – Some people are born without a thyroid gland or have a dislocated thyroid gland. In Israel, all newborns are checked for this.

Brain Dysfunction – In cases of a deficient pituitary gland or hypothalamus, there is usually secondary damage to the thyroid gland performance.

Medical Care – Certain medical prescription treatments will also negatively affect the performance of the thyroid.

Infection – The thyroid gland is influenced by body infection. Hashimoto, thyroiditis infection is an autoimmune disease, common in Israel, that also negatively affects the thyroid’s optimal functioning.

Over Activity of the Thyroid

Those being treated by prescribed medication like radioactive iodine, often suffer from thyroid underactivity, as a side effect of the dosages.

Signals and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

There is a wide scope of signs that one is developing Hypothyroidism. These stages of development may happen over several years time, making it difficult for the one suffering to realize that a chronic problem has emerged

Women experience these signs more often than men.

Here is a list of common signals of Hypothyroidism:

Severe headaches . Sensitivity to cold . Constipation . Digestive disorders .Fatigue . Weakness . Swelling of the face . High cholesterol .Unexplained weight gain , Hoarseness . Depression .Menstrual Cycle disorders, Menstrual excess bleeding . And other symptoms …

Failing to investigate these signals by evaluating hormonal balance, is likely to lead to a severity in these symptoms.

Nutritional Tips for Hypothyroidism

Refrain from eating raw calciferous vegetable, Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.

Refrain from excess soya products that affect the absorption of iodine.

Refrain from processed foods containing excess salt, fats, sugar.

Oatmeal is a beneficial nutritional supplement for hypothyroidism. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, satiates and contributes to health and energy.

Celiac sufferers should ascertain the product is gluten-free, as Celiac disease is often connected to thyroid performance.

Chia seeds are an excellent source for Omega 3 fatty acids and fibers, protein, minerals and vitamins that assist in absorbing medication and
reducing bodily infections. It is important to drink sufficient water with chai seeds in order to compensate for their expansion in the stomach.

What are the characteristics of the disease?

When we talk about signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism we see a wide variety of characteristics. These depend on the degree of lack of the thyroid gland and most of them also develop slowly and even over several years. People suffering from hypothyroidism will initially have difficulty noticing the symptoms, but as time goes by, they start to feel them more and more. We learn that the disease is more characteristic of women than men. Among the various symptoms we see:

Headaches – Sensitivities to cold – Change in bowel movement and constipationProblems related to the stomach and/or metabolism -Tiredness – Weakness – Swollen face – High cholesterol – Weight gain – General weakness – Muscle spasms – Hoarse voice – Depression – Menstrual bleeding – Brittle hair – Irregularity of the cycle.

How long does the thyroid last?

In practice, hypothyroidism is considered a chronic condition that lasts throughout the patient’s life. But at the same time, there are individual cases in which the hypoactivity is temporary, a good example is a situation in which the thyroid gland is caused by subacute inflammation, for example after childbirth. This will pass after several weeks and/or months. If holistic evaluation and treatment is done before a person starts medicine or at least before they have taken medicine for 6 months, there is a good chance that the person could either get off of their thyroid medicine or maybe never even have to start taking thyroid medicine.

How is hypothyroidism diagnosed?

Diagnosing hypothyroidism should be done professionally by a doctor. The diagnosis is usually made by a special blood test to check the levels of hormones in the thyroid gland. Sometimes the thyroid is detected in routine blood tests but not always. Therefore, in cases where the patient complains of one of the symptoms mentioned above, specialized blood tests are done and checking other signs in the body, like the deep tendon reflexes. The blood tests show the hormones that affect the functioning of the thyroid gland – T3, T4. In situations of hypothyroidism we see that hormone levels are usually low.

The importance of working with a medical doctor who has a holistic approach and many years of experience.

The thyroid gland dominates many broad aspects of our lives. Hypothyroidism directly affects our quality of life. Therefore, in cases of the thyroid gland, we would like to contact a doctor who has a lot of experience in the holistic approach to the thyroid gland. He will order tests and send you to specialists if needed.